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SINPAIN sister project RESTORE coming to an end

On 28 October 2022, i3S hosted the final review meeting of the RESTORE Project in Porto, Portugal. RESTORE, entitled "User-centred smart nanobiomaterial-based 3D matrices for chondral repair", received funding under the Horizon 2020 framework programme. Its main objective was to develop and validate, in pre-clinical animal models, nano-enabled solutions for personalised cartilage regeneration. Different strategies were employed to overcome specific challenges and serve unmet clinical needs to design the most efficient solution towards cartilage repair. Despite the pandemic situation, Dr Meriem Lamghari (INEB/i3S) managed the whole consortium with brio on their way to achieve significant progress in the design of personalized biomaterials to treat chondral defect. The project thus paved the way for new tools for patient specific diagnosis.

RESTORE has come to an end on 31 August 2022, being acknowledged in its final review for their excellent results and exploitation actions & opportunities. For some of the RESTORE partners, i.e., Cidetec, INEB/i3S, Università del Piemonte Orientale and Reykjavik University, the adventure will continue with the SINPAIN project. SINPAIN will pursue parts of the RESTORE approach by using new tools, such as gene therapy, to offer a personalized solution for patients with osteoarthritis.